Just before school closed for summer vacations there was PTA. While the parents were waiting for their turns, the kids became unmanageable. They were running around, making as much noise as possible. Some parents were getting really irritated and some looked in disdain at the ones not being able to control their kids. I was on the receving end, the more I tried stopping Neil, the more he became unruly. Finally I let him be. Smaran's mom and I had just introduced ourselves when Smaran and Neil came running, not knowing we were observing them Smaran said- " stand straight-put your pants down" and then they both giggled.
That was a little too much to handle and Smarans mom said Neil has taught him that. I had never heard that before from Neil so I had to catch hold of him and ask if he really had said that. He confidently said no and now I was in a dilemma-if I don't trust him and scold him in front of everyone he'd lose faith in me and if I don't scold him now parents around would wonder what kind of a mom I was. I chose not to scold him and trust what he said. Back home I again asked him if he had really said that and he said no-I left it at that.
Parenting is definitely quite challenging. Lots of time we do things to look good in front of other people but I believe it is your kids trust that matters most.
With teachers the meetings went smooth- hyperactive, always ready to answer, talkative, full of imagination, grasps things fast...